Let me start with these three points:
First, I do not believe the election was legitimate. I am convinced this was a fraudulent election, Trump and minions stole it. But who’s raising a voice to contest it?
Second, Whether the entire number of votes for Trumpf are legitimate or not, those who voted for the bastard will regret it to their dying day, which may come sooner for many of them than they think.
Third, Efforts against Trumpf will no longer involve elections or any other form of governmental action. The country is past that option. The fight must go underground. It must be a grass roots effort to inform people of things to come. When they actually see it starting then maybe they will rise up.
I’m 67 years old. I have never been as pissed off or horror-struck as I was when the election began to flip towards the bastard. Never. I was awake all night, unable to settle my brain enough to sleep. I have been as restless and disconnected as I ever have been. The phrase that keeps exploding in my head is “WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?” Honestly, what happened?
I’ve witnessed many many incredible things. I’ve seen many disappointments and insanely wrong turns within the government. As a student of history and politics (BA degree) I have learned a lot many people do not know. Specifically I was a student of World War II, European theater and Germany. I never in my wildest dreams thought that I’d see this country descend into Nazism and evil. It is about to.
Today, then, I am trying to squash my brain back down into my head so I can function. This shit has to be processed. Some personal actions have to be taken immediately. In a few days I’ll work more on what must be done to correct this horror.
On the three points I made above, I stand by them completely. I do not for a second believe the vote was legitimate. I don’t know how but I am convinced the vote was rigged. People who did vote for Trumpf will regret it. They don’t have a fucking clue about what is actually coming. It really pisses me off and has for a while that nobody ever dug into the basement torture chamber of the Heritage Foundation, Opus Dei, and radical catholics and broadcasted to the world what they really want. But they have their platform, their patsy, and their desire to transform the U.S. into an oligarchy. To fight them we will have to go low, lower, and lowest.
There’s not much more I can write about now. It’s an ugly reality that will be dangerous and painful. It may cost me my life but it’s a fitting way to honor the nation that birthed me and the one so many millions have served and given their life to preserved. It’s the least I can do.
Come back soon. I’ll write more.
Ted Gresham – November 6, 2024